

Mission Statement:

Counsel of God Regarding Issues in SDA Education

Our sole purpose is to advance the kingdom of God and be instruments in God's hands to save souls for that kingdom by promoting the values of "true Christian education" as expressed in the gift of prophecy given to the Seventh-day Adventist church.

If God be willing we propose to accomplish this goal through an expanding array of modalities that will, as God provides, ultimately include the following:

1. A broad dissemination to SDA parents, students, churches, both electronic and printed media that highlight the principles of true Christian education.(e.g. Internet, multimedia, video, audio, books and tracts)

2. Presentations in seminars in SDA schools, churches and compmeeting settings that will provide instruction and encouragement in practically   implementing aspects of true Christian education

3. Distribution of a journal and/or newsletter to members, friends or interested persons addressing current events and concerns and providing encouragement to those who have a heart for today's youth.

If you have a heart for today's Seventh-day Adventist youth and have been pleading with God for their souls, He may be calling you to support this ministry with your talent, time or financial means.

You may contact us through:


or at:

S  A  V  E                36712 Pebble Lane                     Squaw Valley, CA 93675

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Counsels on SDA Sports
"Their influence does not tend toward refinement, generosity or real manliness."

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Proper Attitude in Prayer
" soul was stirred within me to give him an open rebuke. Calling him by name, I said, "Get down upon your knees.' This is the proper position always."

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Tread the Soil of Old Jerusalem?
"How many there are who feel that it would be a good thing to tread the soil of old Jerusalem..."

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