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Tread the Soil of Old Jerusalem? Spirit of Prophecy on traveling to the "holy land" |
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reasons for avoiding travel to the "holy land": ...those who are parishing out of Christ. Where is Christ? Will never be a sacred place... We shall find the footprints of Jesus... "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." I am told that before finishing the life of Christ I ought to visit Jerusalem... The means which might be expanded thus I would prefer to treasure, that I may point souls to the Saviour... I could not expend money to visit these places when the living interests of Christ's kingdom are to be presented to the people. We are to teach the word of God, and to be doers of that word. Christ looks with sadness upon the delusions that ensnare human minds who are so eager to behold the place where His feet are supposed once to have trodden... To be able to say I have visited Jerusalem would not shed a distinct ray of light upon one soul. It would not enable me better to tell men and women what they must do to be saved. Brethren, do you believe that you will soon see Jesus? Then do not needlessly expend means that is of so great value to save precious souls... We should be gathering up every ray of divine light, not looking to old Jerusalem where Christ was once, but to the New Jerusalem where He is now... ...God's cause and work will never be advanced by His workers wandering about to find where Jesus traveled and wrought His miracles. Would you trace the footsteps of Christ, behold Him in that hovel, ministering to the poor; see Him at that sick bed, comforting the suffering, and speaking hope and courage to the desponding. Those who walk in the footsteps of Jesus will do as He did.
"Among our workers are some who feel that a great object would be gained if their feet could tread the soil of old Jerusalem." How hard men work to obtain knowledge! They expend time and money in seeking to find out things that are not essential to a life of purity, that will not aid them in building up a character that will fit them to become members of the royal family, children of the Heavenly King. Some make long journeys to Jerusalem to see the place where Christ lived and taught.... They spend money for that which is not bread. Christ says: "Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you; for him hath God the Father sealed." To expend time and labor in finding the places where Jesus worked in Jerusalem, cannot bring any real benefit to soul or body. The money would better be expended in helping those who are perishing out of Christ....Where is Christ? We would see Jesus, not the places where he used to make his abode. Christ is the bread of life, and we must feed upon his word, and be a doer of his commands. What is Christ to me? How am I related to Christ? He is in the heavens above, and as our high priest, is offering up the incense of his own merit. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 02-25-96. "Do we want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus? We need not seek out the paths in Nazareth, Bethany, and Jerusalem." How many there are who feel that it would be a good thing to tread the soil of old Jerusalem, and that their faith would be greatly strengthened by visiting the scenes of the Saviours life and death! But old Jerusalem will never be a sacred place until it is cleansed by the refining fire from heaven. The darkest blot of guilt rests upon the city that refused the light of Christ. Do we want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus? We need not seek out the paths in Nazareth, Bethany, and Jerusalem. We shall find the footprints of Jesus by the sick-bed, by the side of suffering humanity, in the hovels of the poverty-stricken and distressed."We may walk in these footsteps, comforting the suffering, speaking words of hope and comfort to the despondent." We may walk in these footsteps, comforting the suffering, speaking words of hope and comfort to the despondent. Doing as Jesus did when he was upon earth, we shall walk in his blessed steps. Jesus said, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 06-09-1896."How many there are who feel that it would be a good thing to tread the soil of old Jerusalem..." I am told that before finishing the life of Christ I ought to visit Jerusalem, the holy land. What made it holy? The Majesty of heaven clothed His divinity with humanity, and dwelt upon our earth. He was despised and rejected of men; in Jerusalem He was crucified by wicked hands. I have not the slightest inclination to visit Jerusalem, to see where it is thought probable that Jesus trod, where He may have labored, and where He may have been crucified. The means which might be expanded thus I would prefer to treasure, that I may point souls to the Saviour risen from Joseph's tomb, and proclaiming, "I am the resurrection and the life." I can trace His footprints in the sure word of prophecy, and can obtain a better idea of His works and of His ways, than I could by visiting Jerusalem, defiled with unholy feet and unholy deeds. I could not expend money to visit these places when the living interests of Christ's kingdom are to be presented to the people. We are to teach the word of God, and to be doers of that word, which is represented as building upon the rock; the structure thus built will withstand the storm and the tempest, because it is founded on the eternal Rock.I could not expend money to visit these places when the living interests of Christ's kingdom are to be presented to the people. I wish to see Jerusalem when the fires of the last great day shall have cleansed it from all sinful defilement. Jerusalem is now no more sacred to me that any other place on the globe. Wherever by his Holy Spirit Jesus makes known His presence, wherever his righteousness shines forth in bright and glorious beams, wherever his divine love illuminates the humble places of the earth, wherever his honor dwells, there I am pleased to be. Christ looks with sadness upon the delusions that ensnare human minds who are so eager to behold the place where His feet are supposed once to have trodden, and yet who do not heed His command, "Follow me," who do not walk in the light as He is in the light. A shadow is resting over Jerusalem, a terrible shadow, which I have no desire to come under. Everywhere a curse is visible, which I have no desire to look upon. I can see marks of the curse everywhere. Christ looks with sadness upon the delusions that ensnare human minds who are so eager to behold the place where His feet are supposed once to have trodden To be able to say I have visited Jerusalem would not shed a distinct ray of light upon one soul. It would not enable me better to tell men and women what they must do to be saved. I present the word of God in truth. I listen to the precious lessons which Christ gave His disciples. In my mind the scenes of His ministry, the places where He taught by the lake side, and clothed with the solemnity and beauty which nature and the word of God have given them. I am content: I would not have darker pictures. I do not wish to look upon the desecrated shrines, with all the repulsive features that would meet my view. I would not be hired to behold the traces of the curse so evidently resting upon Jerusalem. I hope to see this spot when the earth shall be made new, when I shall behold Him whom my soul loveth, in His majesty and glory crowned as King of kings and Lord of lords. "Brethren, do you believe that you will soon see Jesus? Then do not needlessly expend means that is of so great value to save precious souls..." I have not one word of encouragement for any person, neither have I money to impart to any person, to visit Jerusalem. As it now is, it would be a picture I would never wish to hang in memory's hall. Brethren, do you believe that you will soon see Jesus? Then do not needlessly expend means that is of so great value to save precious souls; they need never get a sight of Jerusalem under the curse, but with inspired words you can point them to the New Jerusalem, to Jesus the Mediator of the better covenant, who ever liveth to make intercession for us, and whose intercession is wholly efficacious in our behalf. I know that Christ looks with sadness upon those who are searching for the places He passed over while in the flesh, but who fail to recognize Him as a living Saviour, on any ground, in any place. He says, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." Men may search in vain for the foot-prints of Christ in Jerusalem. I care more for where He is now, in heaven, and for what He is doing in my behalf. Give to Jesus your devotion where He is in the heavenly sanctuary; seek for the holy Spirit as His representative wherever His people bow to worship Him. It becomes us to know Jesus by an experimental knowledge, as a personal Saviour. We should be gathering up every ray of divine light, not looking to old Jerusalem where Christ was once, but to the New Jerusalem where He is now. Let us be gathering from the tree of life that God has planted, leaves that shall be for the healing of the nations, and fruit, precious, life-giving fruit as food to the soul. O, search with prayer, most earnest prayer, to know what God has written; and to trace the foot-prints of Jesus in His life of perfect obedience to His Father's commandments. The Paulson Collection of Ellen G. White Letters, page 137-139."Would you trace the footsteps of Christ, behold Him in that hovel, ministering to the poor..." Among our workers are some who feel that a great object would be gained if their feet could tread the soil of old Jerusalem. But God's cause and work will never be advanced by His workers wandering about to find where Jesus traveled and wrought His miracles. Would you trace the footsteps of Christ, behold Him in that hovel, ministering to the poor; see Him at that sick bed, comforting the suffering, and speaking hope and courage to the desponding. Those who walk in the footsteps of Jesus will do as He did. "Whosoever will come after me," He said, "let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 07-30-1901."But God's cause and work will not be advanced by making pilgrimages to Jerusalem." There are times when a distinct view is presented to me of the condition of the remnant church, a condition of appalling indifference to the needs of a world perishing for lack of acknowledge of the truth for this time. Then I have hours, and sometimes days, of intense anguish. Many to whom have been committed the saving truths of the third angel's message fail of realizing that the salvation of souls is dependent upon the consecration and activity of God's church. Many are using their blessings in the service of self. Oh, how my heart aches because Christ is put to shame by their un-Christlike behavior! But, after the agony is past, I feel like working harder than ever to arouse them to put forth unselfish effort for the saving, of their fellow men.God has made His people stewards of His grace and truth, and how does He regard their neglect to impart these blessings to their fellow men? Let us suppose that a distant colony belonging to Great Britain is in great distress because of famine and threatened war. Multitudes are dying of starvation, and a powerful enemy is gathering on the frontier, threatening to hasten the work of death. The government at home opens its stores; public charity pours forth; relief flows through many channels. A fleet is freighted with the precious means of life and is sent to the scene of suffering, accompanied by the prayers of those whose hearts are stirred to help. And for a time the fleet sails directly for its destination. But, having lost sight of land, the ardor of those entrusted with carrying food to the starving sufferers abates. Though engaged in a work that makes them colaborers with angels, they lose the good impressions with which they started forth. Through evil counselors, temptation enters.A group of islands lies in their course, and, though far short of their destination, they decide to call. The temptation that has already entered grows stronger. The selfish spirit of gain takes possession of their minds. Mercantile advantages present themselves. Those in charge of the fleet are prevailed on to remain on the islands. Their original purpose of mercy fades from their sight. They forget the starving people to whom they were sent. The stores entrusted to them are used for their own benefit. The means of beneficence is diverted into channels of selfishness. They barter the means of life for selfish gain, and leave their fellow beings to die. The cries of the perishing ascend to heaven, and the Lord writes in His record the tale of robbery. Think of the horror of human beings dying because those placed in charge of the means of relief proved unfaithful to their trust. It is difficult for us to realize that man could be guilty of so terrible a sin. Yet I am instructed to say to you, my brother, my sister, that Christians are daily repeating this sin. Testimonies for the Church Volume Eight, pages 124,125. |
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